Wednesday, January 18, 2006


life is said to be looked back and lived forward..or so goes the saying(in our terms gyaan)..well i can see many of my friends sniggering already but well friends i'm just gonna go a little back in time(read life) so bear with me..ummm so lets start from the time of our from then to now has been a kaleidoscope of activity.Not so much as studies( i mean who remembers the times of studies!!) but of all the activities done besides that(aha!! so now we r talking sense huh!)..well in this journey i have had the company of some very intresting this is a article about them and the time spent with them..The very first day of SIMSR was a day before the induction..i was pretty lost searching for souls like me when i met the IB gang n tarunesh..still remember the walk around ghatkopar and the movie at wadala(half the gang was for parineeta n half for Bunty n bubbly..i remember Tarunesh as the boisterous chatterbox(sorry buddy!)..with a damn cool n expensive looking mobile(which incidently is no more)..well the induction as such was not worth remembering(except the hideously blue coloured SIMSR bag n the handbook-for looking at the holidays)..The induction was spent looking franctically for a accomodation n settling in(n failing in many papers of the induction in quick succession) n frankly that is all i remember of the induction(accomodation accomodatin n accomodation) the process i met my roommate Sanchit and many friends who will find a mention in due time.. The 1st trimester started and so did my friendship with Abhishek..i remember abhishek as a typically geeky looking guy who couldnt hurt a fly(again reaffirming my belief that looks can be deceptive)..well i remember the movies i saw with him(remember standing every second day for the national anthem buddy?)..the bike rides(from procuring his bike from Bandra to the rides across juhu, worli, marine drive knowing nothing about mumbai, to mulund, powai n basically all of mumbai darshan) can i forget the wet ride across khar to get his i-pod. This whole time food was a big problem(which remains till date)..n the partner in my agony was my roomate Sanchit..with Sanchit comes to my mind the word Bindaas..a moody guy sometimes(dont hate me for this) but a good friend..oh yes he's a networker par excellence and quite modest at that but well i think so , so i write so!! the daru parties iv had with him(be the tequila shots to combing all(or nearly all) the bars of chembur have done all of it.Also spending 2 months paying a rent of 4250 Rs per person develops a special kind of bond..his late nights..the chicken rolls in chembur..infact staying with a guy 24*7 i can go on and on about him but all said n done a great guy, with a wicked sense of humuor and a jolly nature.(abhishek im realizing ur mind is straying but plz restrain urself!)...Some guys are cool and then some guys take this word to different levels n that is Rohan..a army brat or a disciplined child(take ur pic as the views about army kids vary)..he's a dude n truly a rockstar..well i think of him and i think of the trips to marine drives, trips for his laptop, the fags, and other unaccountable times we have been together(like sanchit its difficult to remeber each moment coz he's our virtual roommate)..a vocarious reader and a nazi at heart(again what we have in common though my zeal is nothing as compared to his)..his passions are WW2, nazism and well...burgers?(correct me if im wrong buddy!)we have had these innane talks on love to arranged marriages to i dont know what (well girls n...)and i truly appreciate his witty sense of humour(and i absolutely hate his teaming up with abhishek against me-howz that for honesty!).the one thing i associate with him is the times i spent reading the entire volume of harry potter(yes guys i did that n consider it my big achievement)..its surprising coz he actually dislikes them n it was sanchit which induced me into it but well its one of those things u know!!(sanchit is disclaiming this fact but well my blog my thoughts!)..ok so i mentioned the 4250 Rs rent sharing? along this time came 2nd roommate..he is a master of one liners..and philosophical statements..a typical gyan guru..but a genuine guy and the best rommate one can have..i remember all the midnight tea and coffee he has made for me(or which iv forced him to make..shamelessly..) infact he's the kitchen incharge which gives him the right to all the tea coffee preprations, washing etc(cheers buddy!u r doing a great job and we are with u) can i forget the early morning jogs with him which came to an abrupt end(because we both compete on laziness and he's a sleepyhead(ok ok prashant im joking!)..all said and done these are the guys who have defined my 9 or so months in mumbai and have been with me through the good and bad times , through all the masti,gyaan n fun. well the post is getting too long and there are still people like Doctor, Lalit,my class room escapades, the fun presentations etc so this is my life:part all will be covered in part 2..till then cheers!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Abhinav,
It was nice to read all tht. Sanchit is anice guy (i thought so.....) i m sure he is. Rohan ..well....i know u already, so nothing new, u r still a kid to me (Ha Ha).Prashant...i had no clue he isso sweet.......just ignore Abhinav and dont care wat he says or asks u to do...........take was nice to read abt comments i believe but u r such a gud frd ...... gud :-)

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."....and my dear abhinav u have done a wonderful job in defining it on the life u had here in mumbai...with small credits to all of us to be around to make your life as hell as possible....(hahahahaah).....
well i m previledged to be called as GYAAN GURU...and i also know who the sleeping head is,, as i m the one who would wake you up every morning for the woderful jog...yaa it also reminded me of the day we watched parineeta and bables as called by the gang..true fun indeed.!!!! u have talked about all of ur friends and mine as well..and i promise u guys that u will find a place once i write my blog...
well..!! i can say that u r a true and a wonderful friend to have in one's life and i m blessed by GOD......
well i m not gonna stop making tea and coffee and mind u i make them for myself and not u..???..
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Manjri....
well!! yaa gud little suggestions by u,, but if i ignore what abhinav says i will never ever get a cup of coffee..but yaa if he makes(as he does sometimes its the best in the world i can it has everything except taste...hahahahaha)...neways nice to hear from u and keep posting...and yaa when are u coming up with ur blog???...all the best.!!!!

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post man.. Won't use my normal language. What yaar.. Its so difficult for me to be nice. U know I am actually having to think before writing. I like my natural style, Can't do this anymore,

7:57 PM  

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