Saturday, March 25, 2006

Life:part 2

Hi ppl!! So i'm back again after a long long hiatus.During which my last article on loneliness was much maligned with strangers coming upto me to enquire about my mental well being n advices flowing left right n center.So the next post obviously was not to be on any such innane n sob-sob topic which made me to think on life part 2.It was to come out as promised but many centrel characters were pestering me to be quick(when one dear friend told me "go get life man!" i thought that the time had come)so here goes...
Well the last time round we discussed the few ppl who defined my 9 months in mumbai.So lets carry it a step further and let's start with Dr. Vivek..His reputation preceded his entry into the B-school(i mean its rare that u get a full fleged MD studying with u!).We really were not in contact besides a casual hi n hello initially but now i think i can grade myself as his friend.One of the most sweetest, good natured and adventourous fellow,he has been there done that.The Daman and Goa trips, his long monolouges on the foreign babes n foreign ways of living always brings ppl in his awe( n gives us hope).His propensity for disasters, n things going wrong can reaffirm anyones faith in Murphy's law,n his favorite corner of the room!!(well its a most well kept secret amongst his trusted few after maybe..Pokhran!!!).With him comes to mind Ms Uma Bhushan(a rather unfortunate association) n my ipod.He loves partying(surprising considering his age..ahem ahem!!)...but seriously a fellow ever ready to chill out and a amazing company(no wonder im his fan on orkut).There's much to write but hay Doc some other time..n Doc plz plz get urself a rear view mirror!(i understand u'v been there done that! but think about ur pillion riders!)...(Rohan r u listening??)
Have u ppl heard the term "Tomboy"? Well one look at Manjri n u know what i mean.For the record shes a Bully and a girl who acts 3 times her age(aha!! now that leaves much to infer!).She has made many of my boring classes bearable by "chit passing", n is a fun girl when not bitten by the "sincerity" bug intermittently.I owe my DM midterm to her, n the patience she showed(normally does) while teaching me( thanks buddy n looking forward to seeing u again at barista in end term!).She's always high on ideas of going out to great places to eat out(my treat!!!), a complete foodie but always as short on cash .She's a very cheerful person who is 99.99% crazy ,whom i can talk to abt anything(macd has not seen the last of us buddy!)..
Then theres another person who in my view is one of the most intelligent n contradictory person iv known, again the common connection is "chit passing"...the confusion n the aimlessness, but i have high regards for the kind of work done n the frank n insightfull comments given to me by the person. Then there's another who in my eyes is an amazing company and has helped me at every step(till now).He has literally given me many sleepless nights n shares the passion of good food n as we marketers call it-the ambience n the experience...
Some persons are mortals and then some are "legends(legend of coca cola)".lalit is one of them(L for lalit n legend!)...he is a wind biker n there's a urban legend about him that u dont value ur life truly till u'v sat behind lalit's bike...He is fondly called by his friends as a "ghee guzzler"...he lives life king size..n his passions are- big bazaar , beautiful girls, juices(iv heard he comes on Tropicana's most favoured customers list!)...A very caring and sweet fellow he really is a stud(minus the coca cola "thingy..")..
These are some people who are a part of my life and a ever growing circle of good friends..I am because they some ways helping me ..motivating me and filling my life with happiness and meaning ..I hope this clears many ppl's misconceptions about my state of mind n my "loneliness"..(i have friends guys!!)..and as u can see through life part 1 n 2 each one of them is special...
So cheers to them and the spirit of friendship!! Chow!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

better that u hv frds now and not lonely anymore....keep exapnding ur circle as someone has rightly said that frds are like investements where from u get big returns throughout ur life. so Keep Investing!!!

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well ! what can i say fine bundle of thoughts.....
our gang rocks ...cheers to lamba , gilahri , laluja ,sanchi babe and you .....guys you rock !
always remain as cool as you are now....and always stay in touch
i guess what rahul had to say was the mother of silver linings...."friends are really like investments"....big investments!!!..treasure them...
wish to keep figuring in the evercontinuing episodes of "life".

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, As usual I am a man of a few unmeaningful words. There was no mention of my name is all I would say @#*#!

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am still GAY.

10:47 AM  
Blogger vortex said...

hmm.. considering the comments already available on the people mentioned, the sentiments involved etc etc.. i would like to put forth my views on your writing style... :) considering the amount of reading you do and the kind of friends you have (swati).. you could do a lot better with your writing.. put some soul in in.. and decide whether you want it to be funny or serious.. the comic timing is pathetic.. (heh heh sorry abt that!! and also sorry about the next line)... then again you could spend some time on sentence formation :).. at some points i can't make head or tail of what you are trying to say...
so keep at it and i'm sure one day u'll be as good as me :))

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys

Now its man of principles.
and now on a different person round the blocks.

So now on no Gaaaaaals, no Bigggg Bazzar and infact total abstinence from GHEE, I'm dieting bhai !!!!!

n really every one of you Guys is unique in your own class.YOU are really worth investment, so guys be prepared I'm going to lock in to the Green-Shoe option once your IPOs hit the market. You are all really a deal worth HUUUUUUGE investments.

CHEERS to our group...The Riders

11:53 AM  
Blogger vortex said...

btw.. i forgot to say... friends are like investments, all you need to do is choose the RIGHT ones...
(wrote a lot more.. n then deleted it cause it was too much "gyaan" you would be knowing all that anyways..
waiting fr ur nxt post..

5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys, why aren't u hittin on me I said I am GAY!!!!!

12:44 AM  

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