Thursday, May 25, 2006

the jungle

The mundane life calling to me crush the boredom and make me free
Its a jungle out there where the strong rule the roost
You have to be fast u have to be cunning or you will be devoured prey!!
Civilization and urbaneness oh what a myth we are all animals in the end
We decieve because deception is the key
We bicker and plot and bad mouth people, do animals do that? are we better then or worse off?
We pull people down, we are jealous,we get insecure-the bane of living in a urban jungle
We have no strenght,we have no speed on our mind power do we feed.
We play mind games, we win physcological victories,we can hurt others more mentally than physically oh yes we are at the top of the food chain, the high point of evolution!!
Yet we can feel,we can be happy, we can be sad,we can sacrifice and we can love, we get attached and we help. Its a jungle but a civilized one..we are the best because we can think.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


I am a nomad. Have been one for many years.I've travelled places but i have no place to call my own.Who am I? I search for my roots, I search for an identity which has been lost in trying to please the world. Today the truth and the lies have mixed to a degree when nothing seems real.Im a mirror of people's expectations, how they want me to be.But the real me? I tell him to stay hidden, he cant survive in this world filled with lies,snobbery and deception. I belong to all cultures and belong to none. Bonds,Relationships, attachments seem so temporary to me-a phase which comes and goes. Am i heard hearted?on the contrary im emotional-excessively so. I dont claim ownership to places and people, maybe i havent stayed long enough to do so.
Sometimes I feel a sense of emptiness inside me, Cynicism, callousness and mock fills me-is this the world I wana live in? Is loosing your innocence the name they give to experience and maturity? Well i'm loosing it everyday,welcome to the real world they say.Is self sufficiency the death of me? I revel in mediocrity as i retract in my shell and let the extroverts rule the world. Ambition, drive, sense of accomplishment-at what cost? But i always think what i could have been and what have I become. My days are spent in a stupor, in a maze of nothingness and emptiness, it was a choice I made, to be a nothing-to be a looser. I want to work, till i drop down from exhaustion, i want to endure till I cant endure anyore. I want to stay free, I want to BURN, till then I'm a nomad-drifting along