Friday, September 22, 2006

Born Free

Freedom to people has many different connotations. For me ,its a absense of boundaries, its about the freedom from the shackles of a narrow mentality,its about respecting yourself, it is respecting the responsibility that freedom thrusts on you.
We delude ourselves to say we are free but are we really? How many of us enjoy the freedom to do our own thing,,when was the last time we were happy for ourselves, when was the last time we subjugated our will for the happiness of someone?
Freedom is the right to pursue your own happiness,do what you think is right. Freedom is to chart your own path than follow the mob. Freedom is to decide the definations of right and wrong, set the limits of morality by one's own judgement and not to abide by societal norms.
Freedom is the joy of asking "why", the right to ask "how",the power to ask "why not". Freedom is testing the limits and then respecting them.
Freedom is the power to be yourself,its the celebration of life-and living it on its own terms.
Freedom is never subjugating our will for the majority, its about individualism.
Freedom for me is the transition from conservativeness to moderness,narrow mindedness to broadening of prespectives, horizons and mentality.
Freedom is all of this and im glad i was born free


Blogger Prashant Goel said...

Well..i guess no one can free himself from the responsibilities, its a different matter if its for oneself or others...and i guess the true essence of freedom is not only moving towards modernism.. but being modern doesnt suffices freedom. A gud piece...but by the way did i tell u that BORN FREE is a very gud movie as well....about the wild it if u get time....Even i m glad to read BORN FREE....carry on..!!!

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW this reminds me of the big article u ha dwritten for the ACME:)...keep going strong

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gud post ..............!

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good post ...........!

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

goo post ......!

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

freedom is wat you said, and also the unburdened feeling of lightness. of showing clemency to others and allowing an escape route to your self. freedom is to possess the ability to forgive yourself and forgive others. it is celeberate life with in nd outside. the kind of freedom that little children have. happy and unshackled!!

love what you have written ! cheers!!

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very well written...keep it up!!

5:30 AM  
Blogger vortex said...

hmm.. nice thoughts and well put.. maybe you could've said something about the difference between wanting to be free and just being stubborn for the sake of it...
i must say you are improving by the day... so when is the next post?

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i think freedom is the freedom of the mind....just imagine if u rnot free to would u feel..if u r asked not to think but do anything under the sun.... won't u feel shackled...??
freedom is the most important asset one can have....sometimes they can control what u earn, what u do , what u act like but they can't control on what u think.....
if 1 is free to think and act too then he/she a really free man/woman on the! what a dream.....!!

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. It is as you say very subjective. Just for this once dont know, dont think but act. I for one have known that you have, but that again is subjective. When is it that you want to be free and when you just want to cling on, to be chained, to be finite, to know you have been bounded and are liking it. Coz the boundaries are always there but the choices you make define what you are.

2:11 PM  

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