Sunday, July 20, 2008


Love-The thing we all seek, the feeling we all want to experience, the experience we all want to savor and yet this is the thing which has eluded me all my life.
What is love? Is it giving or taking? Or is it the selflessness by which you treat a person irrespective of whether it is reciprocated or not.
Does love take years to build or is it that one instant when realization hits you. Is it just an extended infatuation, attraction or something deeper? Is it everlasting, transcending barriers of distance and time or does it die out-like everything else? Is it an emotion born out of rationale or is it as irrational as it gets. Is it compromise or is it mutual understanding? Is it and extension of friendship or something so distinct that though friends cannot be lovers, lovers have to be friends?
Is it a connection, a bond that may take an instant to build or it may take years to be realized? Or is it just a matter of convenience, to be indulged in till you had time and inclination and then to be forgotten as you enter a new world, new settings. Is it a feeling for which one may wait till the end of the world and for the other to be conveniently forgotten?

Is love a one way or a two way street. In life you have to give to receive, and receive to give.

Love for me was giving-without receiving. Love for me was selflessness-without appreciation. Love was about missing-and being forgotten in return. Love was transcending barriers of time and distance-and seeing ppl move away into their new world. Love was giving space-till there was an empty void of empty promises in me. Love for me is still irrational-because I continue loving, caring, supporting without expecting anything in return.

Lucky are the ones who find mutual love. In my case all I got was empty words, false hopes, feelings expressed in maybe jest while I still clung on to them, and their memories. Maybe the love was not mutual, or strong enough, or one sided, but then that’s what this post is all about-to understand why, by understanding what.

Love for me is an overrated emotion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Arimanius

Love - What exactly a love is -- I dont knw.. but i cn giv examples ov wt it is..
Isnt a bonding between u and me Love?
Isnt d sellfless give that parents give is Love?
Isnt a mutual understanding dat frds share a Love?

I suggest dont fall in Love dat u dont understand wat it is?
Come out and see den u we will find all ur answers...!!!

Take care and may u win ur Love..!!

A loser..!!

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok.. a veryyyy heavy topic to write about,,, i don't think you can fit it in compatrisons and that too in a small page... however a very good attempt to do that.. and i am sure most of us ask these questions to ourselves at some point in time..

for me it turned out to be an incapability of feeling this particular emotion..maybe i am too pragmatic for that.

therfore a solution i can offer you to leave your woes behind is to look at life from a practical point of view and accept it as it comes. don't ever think of the past.. only of what is to come... if u get burnt when u play with fire,, remember the warmth and the excitement and not the pain,, :) live life my friend.. we all go though it.. but we have to learn...

1:32 AM  

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